It could. But I think it would be better if he stepped down gracefully. Its not his fault he is getting old, but he can make himself look better by stepping down and passing the torch.
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That's my point. Seems like the obvious best move to me.
It is not his fault he is getting old. You're right. We should have more respect for the older population. The issue is that he's clearly not able to communicate and his admin as well as the media have tried to hide this from the population. For people that claim to love transparency and democracy its rather hypocritical.
That's on top of the fact he's (as well as Trump) a sociopath that craves power.
Right. If he could still perform his duties that the office entails, I wouldnt have a problem with him staying in office. But we didnt elect the people that are running the show now. Both of them are not great choices.
Well... I didn't vote for any of them. That's the farce of it all really. I mean its all an illusion. This democracy scam. Social contract blah blah blah.
Well, in theory no one but the electoral college votes for them. But I know what you mean. The democracy scam has gotten worse and worse as of late.