Windows blows. The number of vectors of attack on a server running windows is insane compared to a Linux or Unix based OS. Most of the Internet runs on Linux based systems. If you aren't in IT I can understand you not knowing this.
Windows is the best for gaming. Other than that, if you don't wanna get hacked you should use something else. If you get a group of sysadmins together and ask them if you have to keep my server safe from hackers, which OS would you pick? Only a fool would pick Windows.
Windows doesnt blow if you use it for certain things. Especially if you arent watching porn and shit to get viruses on your computer. If you use it for the normal way of using a computer, it works adequately. Hence why so many people use it.
I know one can use Windows without getting hacked. But it is not even up for debate that it is more vulnerable by far than *nix. But using one as a workstation is one thing. I wouldn't do that. But putting it on the open Internet is a nightmare few who manage servers for a living would do if they started a new system up today.
That's not to mention the cost and how much of a resource hog a Windows server is compared to a comparable *nix system.
These companies use Windows because they have always used Windows and they just paid the price for that mistake.
For sure it is vulnerable. What isnt now days? You thinking linux cant be hacked....haha It just takes one person experienced with it to hack you. Windows is just easier to hack because more people use it.