Officer Tatem does good short videos based on conservative and Christian values.
In this video he points out that people are not stupid and they aren't going to buy the DEI of Kamala Harris who is about as privileged as you can get.
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I didnt realize how much she was hated. Wow... There are so many opinions about her! Maybe Obama will run?
She's another example of something or someone getting pushed on us by the M5M (Mass Media Conglomerates) that we are just told: "Respect her because she fits this puzzle and she fits the need (that no one has)."
In sales or marketing you find out what someone needs and then you fulfill an order by extolling the great qualities that you're product has that meets or exceeds expectations.
All the data and analysis that media is spoon fed comes from easy money at the top of society that is directly connected to DEI / ESG Communist and collectivists promotors. They want people to forget their own family, community, neighbors and job on board the mass consumer collective so that stakeholder capitalism will be easier money for a select few over the mass many.
The want to control wealth without earning it by providing good service. This is the key! It's corruption at is worse.
We don't need a fantasy. We need hard money. We need to be able to go to the marketplace and sell our goods and services peacefully. Nothing that the current administration has done had made this possible. The expansion of jobs have been government jobs. These are not marketplace jobs. These are jobs where people control other people jobs.
These jobs are CRACKER jobs. A CRACKER is who is in charge of the whip in the plantation. Nobody has time for that. We need to take care of our country in a decentralized manner by having strong people, healthy people, culturally diverse people and people who are self actuated for preservation.