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Minimalism is a lifestyle that involves removing excess and keeping only what is essential. Bitcoin is the minimalist version of money. Understand their relationship!
Minimalism is a lifestyle where excess is removed, keeping only what is essential. Bitcoin is the minimalist version of money.
We live in a world where consumption is the law. We are bombarded all day with advertisements on television, radio, newspapers, cell phones, sound trucks, and everything that can serve as a billboard or vehicle for this unconscious competition for consumers’ attention.
Everyone chants the same mantra: “keep buying.”
But have you ever stopped to think about why?
This consumerist and accumulating culture originates in the way politics, economics, and governments function.
Let me explain.
  • How the Consumption Wheel Works
  • The Rat Race in Investments
  • This is Where Minimalism Comes In
  • Bitcoin is the Minimalist Money
  • Bitcoin’s value
  • Inflation and deflation
I was just meditating this morning on how minimalism improves economic efficiency. Being more content with less clutter ourselves, also makes others more prosperous.
This has to do with marginal cost curves and such, which I'll spare everyone, but minimalists basically make life more affordable for everyone else.
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