What did Carl Jung and Alan Watts have in common?

They both understood the Ego for what it actually is. Common wisdom is wrong, and will continually lead you into the Ego trap again and again if you don't learn this.
Here's what it is, and how to really deal with it...

What it isn’t

Ego isn't your pride.
People often refer to it when they:
  • See someone who's overconfident.
  • Feel like they've acted too selfishly.
  • Want to blame something for their shortcomings.
Though these things are Ego-related, the term is far further reaching.

What it is

The Ego is the computer program you play life through.
Being the cognitive process you interact with the world through, it:
  • Makes up your personality
  • Gives us our sense of 'I'
  • Is an integral part of being human
Without it, you'd be unconscious.

The Ego Trick

The Ego isn't the real you.
The real you is the listener, observer, feeler. You are a deeper level of awareness, the one who hears the Ego talk, complain, opinion-ate.
When you try to fight the Ego, you play its game.
You win by going a level deeper.
The ego is individuated. Whether that individuation is useful or harmful depends on the individuation present.