People are unfollowing pseudo-celebrities, course sellers and “perfect life” influencers.
The idea is to only follow friends and quality content. In fact, scientific studies have shown that following superficial people is damaging our mental health.
Scientific studies have shown that exposure to superficial or idealized content on social media can negatively impact mental health, contributing to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.
Reducing exposure to these types of content and focusing on authentic connections and quality content can, in fact, be beneficial for mental well-being.
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It is funny that it has taken this long for people to understand. Facebook was never there to connect people, it was there for him to make money off of you. Everyone has fallen into the social media trap.
It amazes me that people still “follow” the lifestyles of the “rich and famous” as if they’re such good moral people. Screw those peeps. The most egocentric, selfish, power hungry people. We just love when we make people “like” us. I supposed this is still going on
Every holy man at some point has spent quality time away from the busy city life.