I did oral exams in Taiwan and I wasnt a fan. Many of the students didnt have a meaningful hobby they could talk about other than gaming. It was kind of....depressing.
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Which games? World of Warcraft? League of Legends?
Wow and LOL are too old for them. They were playing fighter games, on their cell phones. Connecting with their classmates.
At least they honest about their hobbies or how they spend their free time.
Thats true, but when you give them an assignment for two weeks and they come up with nothing. It is a total waste of time as a teacher.
It’s the same in Singapore. Some of my students write about getting better at Roblox when asked to do goal setting. Next time, I need to remember to bar gaming from their goal setting exercises.
I tried to ask them about other things like camping, shopping, exploring. They seemed too glued to their phones to notice those things.