If we would have used the Constitutional way of “creating” the money needed in the nation, the Federal Congress would spend most of its time and study on the issuance and control of an adequate supply of stable money for the people. If an increase of population and production required an increase in the medium of exchange, Congress would authorize the “coining,” (Le., printing) of the determined amount. Some could be used to pay current legitimate expenses of the Federal Government, with the balance paid directly to the citizens.
Records for payment would be similar to Social Security records, except a citizen would be recorded at birth, instead of when he first goes to work. Each person on the records as of the date of the Congressional authorization would receive an equal amount just as if he were a stockholder holding one share. Just think--a payment of only $20 to each citizen would put $4 billion of debt-free and interest-free money into circulation. Such a suggestion always scares the Bankers. Their propagandists will immediately cry, "printing press money," and warn that it would soon be "worthless" and would "cause inflation."
The truth is their immense usury charges on their "created" credit (our debt) is the sole cause of "inflation." All prices on all industry, trade and labor must be raised periodically to pay the ever-increasing usury charges. That is the ONLY cause of higher prices, and the money-changers spend millions in propaganda to keep you from realizing that.
The money-creators (Bankers) know that if we ever tried a Constitutional issue of debt-free, interest-free currency, even a limited issue, the benefits would be apparent immediately. That they must prevent. Abraham Lincoln was the last President to issue such debt-free and interest-free currency (in 1863) and he was assassinated shortly thereafter.
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Billions for Bankers & Debts for the People

The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America - by Pastor Sheldon Emry
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