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Data from a survey of 3,538 US adults sheds light on the political leanings of Bitcoin holders. The survey, conducted by the non-profit The Nakamoto Project, reveals a breakdown: a majority identify as moderates, with smaller contingents on the left and right of the political spectrum.

Demographic aspect

Political and social characteristics

Moral aspects and knowledge

Political orientation was asked very poorly. Libertarians make up a wildly disproportionate share of bitcoiners and libertarians don't neatly fit on the standard left-right spectrum.
The moral foundations graph is much more interesting and informative.
This is what I thought as well. Troy interpreted Neutral as being a proxy for Moderate but I don't think that's correct. Without a libertarian option, neutral was the only reasonable option for Libertarian and Libertarian leaning folks. I would have chosen Neutral as well.
When I'm given these options, I often choose "very liberal", because I'm sure as shit not neutral and technically libertarianism is classical liberalism taken to its logical extreme.
Considering how many self-reported "very liberal" bitcoiners there were and how few leftist bitcoiners I encounter, it seems like other people probaby answered the same way I would.
That's interesting because I certainly wouldn't interpret very liberal as classic liberal anymore but maybe others did.
Liberal is a really poor term for modern Progressives. I also rarely here progressives use the term anymore. At least not in the way conservatives use it.
They might say liberal world order but that's different from liberal polices on moral topics. Different again from welfare programs and efforts to level playing fields.
The modern landscape of politics is very inconsistent logically and I have seen this when young people try to understand the terms and where people stand.
I've never seen anyone make a radial plot of political sentiments, similar to the moral foundations plot above, but I think it could be useful. The distance from the center could indicate amount of government control and the different directions could be areas of government control.
An anarchist would just be a dot at the center, then, while each variety of statist would be a different shape, with totalitarians being the full circle.
I know it's not what they meant, but I default to extreme literalism when I'm not given good options.
Bingo. This is my thought as well.
I'd love to see the Trust in Bitcoin and Morality of Bitcoin graph broken down by non-owning liberals and conservatives.
I imagine liberal non-owners are much more likely to perceive bitcoin negatively on the moral spectrum, whereas conservative non-owners are more likely to simply distrust it.
That seems reasonable.
You bring up some valid points that I share your agreement on.
What is demographics?
Types of people
types ? 😂
type, kind, sort, nature, description, character mean a number of individuals thought of as a group because of a common quality or qualities.
sorry, translations can get messed up sometimes. You know English isn't my first language.
It's ok. What did you think I was saying?
It's a demo graphic 😂
So like pretend pictures?
i love art
Why is anyone surprised that every type likes money?
Bitcoin is for all. It's liberally conservative!
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