What are the novelties and Is it self custody?

Send Bitcoin using your email
Proton Wallet's unique Bitcoin via Email feature means you only need to verify an email instead, reducing the likelihood of errors. Each address is signed with PGP, ensuring that each transaction remains secure.
Buying directly from your Proton account
Buy Bitcoin in 150+ countries Proton Wallet allows you to easily acquire Bitcoin using credit cards or bank transfers from all around the world through our financial partners, with a particularly low friction process for smaller amounts.
Transact Bitcoin privately
Proton Wallet generates a pool of Bitcoin addresses for you. Each time you receive BTC from someone using Bitcoin via Email, it automatically uses a different address from your pool, protecting your privacy and making it difficult to connect your transactions.
Yes, It is self custody
No mention of it on the web site.
In beta version for" Visionaries" only Looking forward to test it, currently only for the Visionary Plan users, if you are one of those users, give it a try and let us know your thoughts, it seems to be lacking LN, that would reduce the positive user experience, time will say.
I don't trust Proton after they won't even let me connect VSCode to github via their VPN. Say p2p connections are not allowed on free plan...
Swiss law will require KYC to buy Bitcoin.
The interesting part for most of us is the privacy added part which seems it may have built in coinjoins...
The buying part is interesting for newbs and adoption, an easy on ramp into bitcoin not needing an exchange account but a credit card or debit cards helps.
Regarding Switzerland, check Peach, there is a limit under which no KYC is needed , above that yes, still, we dont know if they will use a third party in Belize for buying Bitcoin, we just dont know yet
If it doesn't work in Cuba, it's not Bitcoin:
Hmm, that ia not cool, obviously easy to circumvent with a VPN but either way...
They are Excellent functions. I have always used Proton and its applications. I hope your wallet is of equal quality.
First of all as I'm hearing it, proton wallet will be making it all shit wallet by adding other coins as well. Why can't we just have a Bitcoin only wallet? Also KYC? Proton should've thought of something else. This wasn't expected from a good company.
For privacy they shouldn't use a transparent blockchain to begin with
I wonder when it is going to change and they are going to charge a fee to make an account?
I assume it's kyc?
If KYC, then privacy gets compromised
For sure not KYC, but the level of anonymity depends on the users, this who want to stay anonymous will pay in cash or Bitcoin, those that don't care will pay with credit card or PayPal
Being non custodial the answer is no. More over, if you didnt pay your Proton account with credit card you are even more private.
Proton accepts payment in Bitcoin and Cash. If you are a person using Proton and you care about privacy you never paid with Credit Card or PayPal...
LN. No mention of it on the web site.
Take a look at their repo
The andromeda libraries aims to provide logical blocks to build a privacy-focused, cross-platform, self-custody Bitcoin and Lightning wallet, integrated in Proton's ecosystem
Yes, thanks, I get that but the fact that is not mentioned in the web site could mean down the road map, with no clue as of when...
Did I miss something?