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Imma need to stack a lot more sats to make that kinda trip financially possible lol!
You'll make it till then or else we may have a satsraiser for your trip!!
OMG start a BTC based GoFundMe but to go hang out in a topical paradise and play handball! Love it!
Why not? It's what we aim for, a world where nobody has to strive for, whatever is asked, shall be given!
In a perfect world you are right but I feel as soon as people do not have to strive for anything and get whatever they want humanity will loose something that I feel is critical to our success and survival. I feel innovation would come to a halt because why work harder if there is no reward ya know?
Hmmm! I know all these points and I was just talking about you and only you. That's invalid for the whole world, of course! I mentioned 'world' to assure you. Nevertheless, keep striving for a huge stack and once you reach there, remind me about all of this! We can wait a bit, no issues.
Oh yeah my bad I misunderstood! Yeah just gotta keep grinding and stacking my sats for when the world economy melts down!