I think that's all wonderful and different solutions will work best for different folks. I am glad you are offering this service and I hope you make a lot of money from it and get a lot of users. But don't advertise it like voltage did early on: they frequently said their cloud-hosted option was self-custodial, but since they had an unencrypted copy of each user's private keys in their server's ram, these advertisements were lies. Similarly, I recommend not advertising the cloud-hosted option as self-custodial as long as you guys have an unencrypted copy of each user's private keys in your server's ram.
141 sats \ 1 reply \ @bumi 24 Jul
I agree. this word has a bit of different meanings for different people. Ultimately it is a bit of a range and imo also it's about the context of usage and goal. I think so far the focus is on the Hub here I guess. The cloud hosting is an offer we provide. And the talk about unencrypted memory is a bit tricky imo and also quite different to persisted storage. but yes, it's a cloud setup where hosters put servers somewhere and run it for you.
I really appreciate this feedback we have to try to be very clear here and explain things well to users. thanks!
142 sats \ 0 replies \ @bumi 24 Jul
btw. what I want to generally spend more time on is the talk about supply-chain attacks of wallets. It's potentially easier to compromise some dependency or a build than accessing some RAM on servers directly.