But the main reason I haven’t declined airport face scans is actually very simple: I had no idea I could opt out.
This is something I've observed over many years. I think this thought process is very cultural and even generational. I recall after 9/11 in the US refusing to go through the body scanners. It never occurred to me that opting out was not an option. Same goes for many things. I'm not really the biggest contrarian but I'm very surprised by how compliant younger people and people from different cultures can be.
Its as if someone has to give them permission to speak. There is so much respect for "authority". I think the government schools are a large part of this for the younger generation. If the schools do a great job at teaching anything it is teaching compliance. Get in line. Do as you are told. Don't stand out.
I've had several run ins with TSA which probably isn't surprising. I am always kind and treat them like humans doing their job. That said, they don't like it when people opt out so be prepared to deal with an annoyed person. That said, on the whole I've only had a few bad interactions with TSA and I suspect that is mostly due to the fact its a terrible job. Any job dealing with the public can be.
Glad to see an article like this even be published regardless of how many times I cringe reading it.