Statistically it makes no sense.
How would you know it? To make any statistics inference you would need to know how many bitaxes are running on the network right now.
For this one successful bitaxe miner there might be million other not successful ones we don't know about.
this territory is moderated
I don't know how many bitaxe's there are. I don't need to though. We can know the hashrate and difficulty as I said. CkPool dev provided rough odds. They are crazy. But, it is possible. I have a BitAx myself so I believe it contributes and can find a block. Just thinking about it and trying to avoid being tricked by hopium.
Lightning doesn't strike twice
Yeah, I've thought that as well.
The BitAx is a very cool project. I support it and hope more people buy/build them and run them regardless of the odds.
I mean the odds based on the hashrate vs total-hashrate vs difficulty.