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The Federal Reserve has never been audited by the government since it took over our money and credit in 1913. In 1975 a bill, H.R. 4316, to require an audit was introduced in Congress.
During the April, 1975, hearings, this author submitted a statement favoring the audit, as did many others. It is reprinted on the next two pages from page 306-308 of the 739 pages of testimony given during those hearings before the Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy of the Committee on Banking, Currency, and Housing, House of Representatives. Due to pressure from the money-controllers, it was not passed. No audit has ever been made.
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Billions for Bankers & Debts for the People

The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America - by Pastor Sheldon Emry
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Here there are probably a few more things to detail out:
  • How the government can audit an entity that is above? Is this statement even true?
  • In the last decade, just after a century, there has been some intent to provide the public with some comfort in trying to audit the Fed and provide a suitable report.
I'm maybe wrong on these two points, and I'd like and appreciate your valuable knowledge to be heard here
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