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Listed below are the individuals, organizations and publications that control rather completely what you know or do not know.
Please read this list, and see if any of them, since 1920, have told you any of the simple truths about our iniquitous debt-usury economic system which you have read in this little booklet.
Presidents, Vice Presidents, or Presidential candidates; Cabinet members, U.S. Judges, or other appointed U.S. officials; Any U.S. Senator or Representative, except Robert Lafollete, Charles Binderup, Charles Lindbergh Sr., Louis McFadden, Wright Patman, or John Rarick? (All now gone).
  • State Governors or members of State Legislatures? The Republican Party;
  • The Democratic Party;
  • The Communist Party;
  • The Socialist Worker's Party;
  • Other so-called “voter information” groups?
  • News sources such as Associated Press (AP), United Press International (UPI), Reuters, etc.;
  • Any large daily newspaper or newspaper columnist?
  • Radio or TV networks, such as ABC, NBC, CBS, and Mutual;
  • Radio or television newsmen or commentators;
  • News magazines, such as TIME, LIFE, NEWSWEEK, LOOK, U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, PEOPLE, etc.
  • Any other widely circulated magazines?
  • Books sold on the newsstands in book stores, by Book-of-the-Month Club or any other book clubs?
  • The movies, stage or other “entertainment” (although they often attack politics, religion, or Christian society; they NEVER expose the money system);
  • University or College professors;
  • Any elementary, high school or college textbooks;
  • Any other “educator” or educational organization such as the N.E.A., P.T.A.or similar?
  • Labor Unions such as the A.F. of L., C.1.0., Teamsters, UMW,
  • Farm organizations such as Farmers Union, Farm Bureau, NFO, United Farm Workers, etc, (the recent American Agricultural Movement has exposed the debt-usury);
  • Any farm publication?
  • Business organizations such as the National Association of Manufacturers, Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce, etc.
  • Any business or trade publication?
  • Medical, scientific or professional organizations such as the A.M.A., A.A.U.P., etc?
  • Civic or Fraternal organizations such as Rotary, Elks, Lions, Moose, Eagles, Odd Fellows, etc.?
  • Veterans organizations such as the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled Vets, etc.?
  • The hundreds of “civil rights,” “student,” “Women's Lib,” and similar “protest” organizations or publications? They protest “racism,” atomic weapons, war, pollution and scores of other supposed “wrongs,” but NEVER, NEVER, expose or object to the robbery of the people by the Billionaire Bankers!
  • Masonic Orders, Lodges or publications;
  • Knights of Columbus;
  • Any Catholic Pope, Bishop or Priest? (Father Coughlin of Michigan spoke on radio and wrote books in the 1930's protesting the Bankers' plunder of America. He was silenced in a few years on direct orders of the Pope. Since then, few Priests have mentioned the plunder).
  • Jewish Rabbis or Jewish organizations such as the United Synagogues of America, B'nai Brith, Anti-defamation League, etc;
  • World Council of Churches (WCC)
  • National Council of Churches (NCC)
  • Any denominational Protestant minister or church;
  • Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, or similar; “Charismatic” or “Pentecostal ministers or churches";
  • “Non-denominational” or Independent ministers or churches; Religious magazines, publishing houses, or bookstores; “Evangelists” or “Crusaders” on radio and television;

By the 1980's virtually no prominent individual or national organization of influence in America, including religious organizations, opposes or exposes the Bankers' plunder. Because of that silence most Americans live out their whole lives in this land without ever learning how they are being robbed. Small groups of patriots are opposing the Bankers. One is LIBERTY LOBBY which publishes The SPOTLIGHT, a weekly newspaper ($32 per year or $59 for two years, 300 Independence Ave. S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003). Each Issue exposes the anti-American shenanigans of the Bankers, Communists and other enemies of America. Every patriotic American family should subscribe.
Since the politicians, the major news media and the churches will not warn the people, that warning is up to us AND YOU! Will you pray AND ACT?
🇳​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇽​​​​​🇹​​​​​ #622406 IT IS POSSIBLE GOD KNOWS ABOUT OUR PLIGHT?
🇵​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇻​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇴​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇸​​​​ #622351 NOTABLE QUOTES ON MONEY
This is a chapter of the book

Billions for Bankers & Debts for the People

The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America - by Pastor Sheldon Emry
Give it a read! Start from the...
🇮​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇽​​​​​​​​​​ #622479