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Yesterday I made a post on devs territory and it got some visibility and some zaps until I got a surprise.
Someone zapped the post with 10k sats and left me speechless. I wasn't expecting that. Maybe some of the older stackers here are used to such zaps, but I am still new to Stacker News and never thought that someone could zap my post with 10k sats. It was a very nice feeling.
Since I don't know who this unknown zapper is, I'm writing this short post today to thank him/her publicly for being so generous.
value for value!
(it wasn't me)
Keep building on your good stuff. Sometimes it's just for practice. Sometimes no one is interested.
Once I wrote a thank you letter to a prospective employer for an interview. A year later I got a phone call and it was the new owner of the business. He found my letter in his desk and as it happened he needed a manager. So I interviewed, again and I got the job.
It's good character to thank people so if you keep working and gracefully thank those who appreciate your work you will be a respected and appreciated Stacker.
Also, once you acknowledge the good or bad result, get back to work. The work is the reward.
Thanks for your kind words! I really appreciate them!
I saw it was your handle and I read this #620584 and I already liked it! It was not me who was generous but similar thangs have happened to me and I am happy that you are happy!
The more you give the more you get!
I made a short post about it you might like: Zapping feels like playing Go!
Stackers unite 💪💪
The post where you got 10k zap is indeed a great post and there's noone who will deny it. You're just stepping up the ladder and I believe you will take big strides here. It's value 4 value here ..
Well done! I’m happy for you! There are plenty of sats to go around here haha