I want to mention an issue I have been having recently with Mutiny.
On both the PWA and Andriod App (v 1.7.13) I have seen many times where after entering in Sats to receive, the app will just have a spinning wheel icon over top of the continue button.
At the moment it is about 50/50 if the invoice will be created (if so it is done less then a second) or will sit and spin for a long while (many minutes).
I have tried it with wallets that have open channels, wallets with no open channel, and with federation. So far in my testing it doesn't seem to make a difference to the issue.
Also seems to happen more with wallets using Olypus by Zeus LSP vs Flow 2.0 By Voltage.
Any one else having this issue or helpful tips?
I also use Mutiny and it is a concern for me as well. For once or twice also happened with me.