The banking system is on life support thanks to the US government first selling billions in bonds to financial institutions and then devaluing them with surprise rate hikes.
did you know the US is borrowing more under the "Biden boom" than it did during COVID? Set aside whether a coronavirus should have been treated as a financial crisis. At least the COVID borrowing was at ~0% rates. But today the US government is borrowing historical sums of money in peacetime…and at 5% rates!
according to the World Bank (not a Russian source!), Russia just flipped Japan to become the fourth largest global economy in GDP-by-PPP:
did you know that the dollar has lost at least 25% of its value in just four years?
it is going to get nasty on a level beyond which most can really comprehend.
A debt crisis is coming.
Balaji for all his faults has been all over this for years.
I think that what is happening is inevitable when you simply print money left and right without any type of support... that is, I print millions and millions... and if I need more, I do not look for a true and conscious solution, but rather I print more and more... this at some point is going to trigger the debacle and at that moment Bitcoin would be the perfect solution!! Imagine how serious the matter is and how needy they are than what they did not do in the pandemic... now they are doing it and at 5%... we will see what happens I just tell you to keep stacking sats... Keep stacking...
Gradually, then suddenly!
This can only go on so long before the house of cards collapses.
My tinfoil hat conspiracy: before Biden dropped out I assumed the Democrats were running old Joe so Trump would win and then they could blame him and the Republicans for the economic collapse brought on by all the money printing and inflation over the last 4 years. Now I have no idea 🤷‍♂️
This presumes that D and R are two separate teams, but is it the case, though?
Yes and No
bigger difference than Tory and Labour in England
Le Pen vs Macron
A debt crisis is coming? Its already here. Its been here for a while. Havent you noticed inflation?
There will be a debt crisis if people stop buying USA bonds.
The bigger current crisis is spending
It will need some black swan, nobody can predict when this is gonna end.
They are really good at hiding issues