Everything uses scarce resources. Let’s just let people do whatever they’re most comfortable with when it comes to their butts.
Prices will take care of that other stuff.
I read somewhere that they used a communal sponge in roman times.
That is unspeakably gross.
I know, but at that day and age, it was one of the more clean options.
I don't know. I grew up in the woods and it seems way cleaner to grab some big leaves than to share a sponge.
oh man, those poison ivy leaves. So soft!
We didn't have poison ivy, but we did have neddles. Fortunately, I never made that mistake.
Did you have to plant called milkweek? Or rabbits ear? That is very soft! https://m.stacker.news/41670
We have that where I live now. I avoid touching anything that I didn't grow up with. Better safe than sorry.
Prices will take care of that other stuff.
I agree to this point but letting people do whatever they wanna do with their butts may recieve lot of ramifications! 😜