Politicians change their opinion at the drop of a hat. If she gets on board, having her push forward bitcoin wont hurt the bitcoin world in any way. Yeah, I realize she might not have been before, but they are fighting for chess pieces at the moment.
For the most part in Congress the politicians that are going to change have and those that haven't wont. Elizabeth Warren made it clear today that she isn't going to change her mind and in the Ohio Senate race BTC and crypto have become a huge focus as the Sen. running for reelection is the one that has stonewalled all crypto legislation in the Senate for the last few years!
Eventually if it lines her pocket, she will change. Its only a matter of time, because it is the way forward. Also, other people are pushing it, too.
You have a great point there I mean I would love to say you are wrong but the consistent coincidences are there time and time again
Well, when everyone starts pushing for it and she is the last one holding out.... Usually they get toppled.