that mallardshead comment is mostly accurate, but i was under the impression that the privacy profile of monero isn't just about delinking your identity to a transaction, but as much about not being able to correlate that transaction to other transactions in the blockchain so as to keep your other activity private from whoever you transact with, and to inhibit their ability to estimate any monero balance you may have.
as for darkweb marketplaces, i find his comment hard to believe (i don't use them so i can't say for sure), and the sanction violations thing is a facet of Bitcoin's transparency on chain, isn't it ? i mean, i would imagine it's harder to create a monero sanctions list in the first place ?
Yea they were wrong even at the time of typing that. The top 5 darknet markets all accept Monero. A couple of those even exclusively accept Monero only.
Its a double edged sword. The inability to have a sanction list just means the whole blockchain is sanctioned at some point. Pretty much is now.
This is a really good point.