I think you are right about the response. The follow up to it is... yeah. Where am I gonna use this monero. We get back to network effect which is the same thing you get from no-coiners. Where do I spend my bitcoin. So we get back to adoption and NGU which like it or not is gonna be what gets people into the network. I always come back to game theory when I think about "privacy coins". I went through a phase of thinking they had a real place. The more I think about it at best their place is temporary and very narrow. As bitcoin grows in adoption they get weaker. Network effects are real. These problems of privacy are not only solvable but most future bitcoiners do not CARE about privacy.
the monero doesn't scale thing is kind of true but as most people don't care about it, it tempers the growth of the chain to some degree... so it's niche aspect may (or may not) prolong it's presence