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Not looking good for Canada. Turns out if you punish production and reward being dependant on the state you get a low productivity society. Couple that with the insane growth in house prices you get a generation of young people who feel hopeless and unmotivated and generations of non young people (let’s say 40-85) who feel rich and unmotivated because their houses doubled, tripled, 5x in value.
Articles like this and the stuff @TomK posts, help me understand why Canadians and Europeans are more prone to massive unrest over leftist control than Americans are.
Following the EU will be a losing proposition, no matter what. As the economy matures, we will see how bad it is.
True MMT experiment.
Inflation is running high? Raise taxes to cut consumer spending and finance more debt!
People got what they voted for.
Some of them did.
What is damn amazing is there has been no recession - SUPER Abnormal but we bitcoiners know it's because it's being propped up by the fed.
There are lots of Indian people there. They must be stealing taxes. They are so good at doing this.
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