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There might be no coercion, but there is deception. Do you believe deception is OK? The deceived bears part of the responsibility, sure, but so does the deceiver.
But where is the deception? Does anyone say the dollar is somehow scarce, e.g. backed by gold?
Oh, and, by the way, the dollar is scarce. The amount of dollars in circulation is not infinite. And we could say it is somewhat backed by gold. There is gold in their vaults. It is even redeemable for gold; you can buy gold with it or sell gold and receive dollars. It is not redeemable for a fixed amount of gold at the federal reserve or the treasury, however, but that's just a technicality. Don't worry about it. Everything is fine, isn't it?
See how I can troll if I set myself to it? :)
Well, the deception is in the gaslighting. Just look at your comment.
Maybe you are super enlightened or you have great enlightened parents and you know the truth since you were a toddler. I always knew that there was something wrong with the money system, but I couldn't know what the problem was. It took me >30 years to find out the truth. How could one find the truth if one doesn't even have a clue of what the truth looks like because it's not allowed to even mention it? That's the deception. The constant brushing aside of the fact that the problem even exists when you mention the real problem. They keep doing it now. They admit that there are problems, but they point you to the wrong things: CO2 emissions, intolerance or whatever.
Look up, down, left, right, look to whatever we say is the problem-du-jour, but don't look to the beep. What are you talking about? What is the problem? There is no problem.