Hello Stacker News!
I'm new to this website and hope to use it as a platform from now on to share updates to my project Distributed Charge: http://andyschroder.com/DistributedCharge/ .
Distributed Charge aims to make bitcoin the native payment method of the energy grid by creating hardware devices, open source software, and standard protocols for negotiating real time energy pricing and micropayment between machines, on every corner of the earth.
Every electric meter should allow for bi-directional payment and energy flows, and everyone should be able to easily buy and sell energy privately without the need to involve third parties or inflationary monetary systems.
The first application of Distributed Charge is focused on payments for charging electric cars, specifically cars manufactured by Tesla.
Today's update is instructions on how to connect my custom hardware, Board A0, to the Tesla Gen2 Wall Connector: http://andyschroder.com/DistributedCharge/EV/TeslaGen2WallConnector/ .
Welcome, Andy!
By the way, your interview on Changing the Tide podcast from February was shared here on SN:
📺 +🎧 Changing the Tide 0.00000015: Andy Schroder, Distributed Charge + Board A0 ⚡️ #12319 https://twitter.com/changingtidepod/status/1496210424806912000
Thanks, I did not realize there was already a post here about me! I just discovered this website about a month ago and definitely like a lot of things about it!
Extremely interesting project!
This is so cool!!! Wish I could buy these and start installing them all over the community
Which parts specifically do you want to buy?
Hmm haven’t thought about this but I would buy the module that allows the power for sats flow then try to see if I could scale and complete with EV charging stations. I would do a really small pilot first and then try to expand from there
Board A0 is ready to ship now as a stand alone component: http://andyschroder.com/DistributedCharge/news/2022.04.01-BoardA0FirstMiniProductionBatch/ . If you are interested in a more complete package, please contact me privately to discuss: http://andyschroder.com/contact/ .
Thanks but I’m a long way from having enough capital to tinker with this idea
That's f-inf amazing 🤩🤩
Can people do this undercover without their provider knowing?
Which provider are you talking about?
The electricity provider of course
In order for someone to accept bitcoin they are going to need to know that they are accepting bitcoin.
Impressive goal you have there. Wish you the best of luck because if you succeed this could revolutionize how humanity deals with electricity and payments for the better.
(A belated) welcome @andy!
It was great to interview you last year. That was essentially a year ago now. Glad to see the project continuing to make progress!