I've already asked Stackers about the career they might have choosen if they can be young again. The result was this that about 35% of Stackers wanted to do what they are actually doing!
Now for this time I've decided to ask about some emerging options as career in the next twenty years. AI to Space tourism all are there!
So, tell SN, what career would be most lucrative in coming twenty years?
Software Development0.0%
Data Science6.7%
AI & Machine learning 13.3%
Sustainable Energy 6.7%
Business Administration 20.0%
Yoga And Physical Training 0.0%
Space Tourism0.0%
Cypherpunk 20.0%
Block Chain Development 6.7%
Other (Write in comment box)26.7%
15 votes \ poll ended
All of these are wrong
The answer will be the same as it's always been
Starting and owning your own business
You are right. Business is far better than doing jobs.
Stacker News Territory Founder.
Would do some business anyways!
Which type business do you prefer.
Most probably some educational institution. They have huge potential in India currently.
Yes, you are right bro .
Astrobiologist Non-Human Resources Officer
(Physical) Artists
I'm not that technically sound so going with business Administration. Also, if can manage to start a big business, I can have all these people from various fields as employees in my business!?
IMO cypherpunk
Ability to learn and adapt to anything that comes and that comes with knowledge and experience. There is a saying for a reason "Find something you love and you will never work another day in your life". Don't measure success or what's lucrative in dollars and cents, pick what matters to you, an individual, and pursue it with passion. What makes you happy. Have a life not a job....
Or what you are good at, pursue your strengths
Mining Bitcoin
I dont think tons will change in the next 20 years. We are kind of floundering right now until we figure out what we want to do.
Machine learning
Remotely selling energy to AI and Bitcoin will probably incentivize a lot of sustainable energy production, and create a bunch of jobs bridging money with the electrical grids.