Yeah, but he's in f'ing Russia? I mean, if anyone has become someone's bitch, the guy that goes to hang with Putin is on up there in my book.
Edit: Especially if you are talking about TRIBES?
Fair point. Where do you think he should go?
I think he all ready went where he thought he should. I just don't think you can talk about "tribes" after having made that decision--especially in the US. For all I know, Snowden's tribe is "Putin".
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 28 Jul
I've always seen him as more pragmatic than ideological, which might make his decision to live in Russia and discourage tribalism consistent.
*political tribalism
He is encouraging tribalism. "Not our tribe".
**and encouraging what kind of tribalism instead?
Guantanamo or Moscow, you decide... :-)
Well, first, if memory serves, he stopped off in China. China and Russia share a similar outlook when it comes to the US generally speaking. Both of them are rife with communism.
Well, that's exactly his point isn't it? He's seeking refuge in Russia but Putin is not our tribe. US politicians might pander to Bitcoiners but they are not our tribe. I think this all fits together.
I don't know what his point is. I'm not even sure he knows what his point is.