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231 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 28 Jul
#Ethereum research is murdering home stakers live in front of everybody. This is not something I signed up for when joining Ethereum.
At this point I'd be happy to proven otherwise, but I feel #Ethereum is losing the plot. The research team fully embraced the idea to centralise everything as long as it can be verified. Which is a cute charade: decentralised validation but centralised control.
I see the above plaguing a lot of projects that engage in decentralization theater, ie the hypothetical ability to have your own copy of the data and participate in sharing data + the ability to sign/verify data = uncensorable and decentralized.
The fact that certain members of #Ethereum research also - allegedly - run their own MEV relays is an extremely messed up incentive, where the protocol designers can directly profit off of centralising their designs.
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I used to work with someone with the last name Szilagyi (Hungary)