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“Of course the climate apocalypse is nonsense. And even in this scheme of thought, it would be useless to regulate an isolated economy like the German economy into the Stone Age.”
💯👍 Yep the more that I looked at the real and honest science, not the manipulative and fraudulent ‘science’ - it became clearer and clearer.
The astonishing perversity is that on many important metrics, our best estimates are that a slightly warmer world with more CO2 is actually better for humanity.
Here in the Mediterranean region, for example, the temperature during the Roman optimum around 2000 years ago was around 2.5° higher than it is today.
Does that seem like it would be nicer? The Mediterranean is portrayed as a fairly optimal climate.
The other thing to bear in mind is that the warming will mostly act on winter lows. so it might be 5 or 10 degrees warmer at night in January, but otherwise about the same. That certainly sounds nice to me.
I'm no meteorologist or chemist, but how these freaks in Davos managed to correlate the climate and temperature fluctuations of the planet with man-made CO2 emissions is still a media mystery to me today
They do correlate pretty strongly, but the temporal lag indicates that it's actual rising temperatures that increase CO2 levels, rather than the opposite. That's likely because warmer water retains less dissolved CO2.
Solar activity, ‘milankovitch’ cycles have a big effect on temperatures. I’ve heard Solar scientists call out the nonsense that CO2 is driving temperatures. CO2 change is a down stream effect of temperature change as you say.
That sounds plausible to me
They are going after the 'climate propoganda' with all their guns blazing here in Europe but supporting the war there in Ukraine will not destroy climate.