Scott Horton was calling out the cops for their lack of urgency and getting up too close to the building to be able to see on top. I'm not sure what footage he had seen, but that criticism was already out there.
It was interesting seeing a new vantage, but I hope we get better footage from one of the people who could actually see him.
this territory is moderated
I just keep going back to the failure in planning and these guys confirming failure in communications. This seems like it is resting on the shoulders of the Secret Service.
Even for someone as skeptical of the state as I am, it is hard to fathom this degree of incompetence. It does still seem like it was largely incompetence, though.
Of course there are still the unanswered questions about what appears to have been a Fed visiting the shooter's house and how he made those IED's.
I have the feeling that a lot of incompetent people work for the government. How many of us have heard it was through family or a friend that someone got a government job?