this territory is moderated
Do you have source data for the vote counts over time? For the U.S. specifically. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia
Total: +4.998 million in President race than in House races (435 seats)
Biden: +4.1 million more Trump: +1.7 million more
Other or third parties: (919,984)
House President Difference
77,122,690 D 81,283,501 4,160,811 5.40% 72,466,576 R 74,223,975 1,757,399 2.43% 153,431,405 total 158,429,631 4,998,226 3.26%
3,842,139 other 2,922,155 (919,984) -23.94%
from 2020
I don't have the source data. It's been almost 4 years but I will search and do the best I can...
The problem is Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, GA, AZ, NV don't want to release the source data.
I will keep you posted
I remember seeing these graphs live on the day after the election. To me they are the biggest unexplained phenomenon and strongly suggestive of shenanigans, especially because Trump didn't experience a similar bump, which would be expected if the explanation was that they counted a large county at that time.
However, after seeing these charts on election day (shown by major news organizations), I havent been able to find the data anywhere. Now no one will believe me
I want to see the data too!
States are hiding the data
It should be publicly available