Is the picture I posted the cause? after I read they rejected Maduro's victory and “protested” that the protesters want freedom, but what freedom do they want?
this territory is moderated
Freedom from the current regime that has been in power since 1999
This means that we can suspect that this stems from a fraudulent election, it would be better for protesters to take this to legal action through the courts, so that bloodshed does not occur.
This is not a normal country... there is no institution, they pass that train long ago. I remember many years ago a similar situation, lots of dead and the man keep the power... when you are in power and the only way out is to go to prison or dead... you do everything in your power to maintain the power... :( sad for the people and an attention call for others country of want happen when the state take full control.
Socialism plus gun control = permanent dictatorship
You can’t vote your way out of socialism dictatorship.
You can’t expect a fair Supreme Court either
The courts in Venezuela are rigged and controlled by Maduro
Blood has already been shed since 1999.
The non violent ship has already sailed
Maduro cheated in 2018 and nothing happened, nothing changed
If it's like this, I can't say anymore, maybe take the next route.