Hi folks. While looking around for bottles to use in my mixology experiments, I found at the local store a bottle of Laphroaig Single Malt Islay. This delicious single malt smoky scotch is delicious alone, but I was wondering how to pair a spirit with such a strong taste in cocktails. I already experimented with smoky old fashioned (I have a great recipe for that, lmk in the comments if you're interested), but I was wondering what other flavor profile and cocktail recipe would make the most out of the smokiness of the scotch. Is there any bartender or fellow mixology enthusiasts that can give me a few tips? Thanks!
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @fm 30 Jul
easy choice? Apple Juice, and some cinamon.. thats a good starting point
Thanks for the tip! Do you know any cocktail recipe that uses the combination of apple juice, cinnamon, and islay scotch? Or maybe some well-known recipe that can be adapted to include these ingredients? I can't find anything "proven" online, but I could try something in the line of a julep, maybe blending bourbon and scotch (only scotch would be too overpowering), muddling apple pieces and making cinnamon-infused syrup. I'll see...
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 30 Jul
I dont know any specific recipe. But apple juice is a good match for scotch. I just think the smoke with the apple an cinamonm invokes something like an oven baked apple pie
I just checked there are a cocktail called the cloudy apple.. 1 SLICE APPLE 1 DASH APPLE JUICE ICE CUBES 2 PARTS JAMESON BLACK BARREL 1 PART LEMON JUICE 1 PART SUGAR SYRUP