The Egyptians themselves have used what was there for their own benefits. Pyramid and many other buildings around the world are part of much older civilizations, not many talk about it, because if it becomes common knowledge all history and current society must be erased and rebuild from zero.
It's all stolen esoteric symbolism (like the nazis did with the swastika) together with the intrinsic meaning that freemasons have stolen from ancient civilizations. There's a lot that we don't know, we have been cut out from. Also, the church is involved in all this... but yeah, it's a long story!
Those having the knowledge ensure it's not spread around and kept secret.
142 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 30 Jul
afaik the obelisk was a mark/measure of sea level, it goes back in time further than egyptian dinasties it means that everything around it is below sea level/under water ==> under maritime law/lex mercatoria/law merchant jurisdiction. The undoing of God's law or Natural law
Interesting perspective. afaik, obelisks around the world used to mark the time of the day, month, years based on the shade generated by the sun. I saw somewhere a really nice documentary of how the one in St. Peter place in the Vatican was working and the esoteric meaning related to it. Below is a summary of my understanding of my understanding.
The sum of the shades also relate to the letters J and X, initials of an old name of a messiah (J for Jesus, X for Christ), representing the most known christogram, the symbol generated of the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ, “Χριστός” (Christos), which are Chi (Χ) and Rho (Ρ), overlaid or superimposed.
a bit more info about the OCCULT SYMBOLISM OF THE VATICAN here