I expected this post to be a poll.
I've been a little disappointed in polls, when I've used them. It seems like it could be a fun post type. One of the problems is how they get buried under new content and no one ends up seeing the result. I wonder if polls could go back to the top of recent once they close. That would bring the results to people's attention and possibly kickstart a fresh conversation.
I also thought of making it a poll but because I didn't want to make it optional I went with a discussion.
Yes, I think most would agree.
  • Some of the fun polls have worked well.
  • The problem that they get buried is definitely one to address. Can it done by a seperate tab for polls?
  • 'Top of recent' can prove to be very handy.
  • 'Bringing result' once the poll is over will surely lead to better adoption and engagement with polls.
What about adding some bounty type feature to the polls? Like whoever wins the poll will get some amount of sats!
We talked about something like a bounty idea before. Essentially, it would become a pooled betting post. There were some technical issues with doing that, I think, but I was a big advocate for it.
This is a good idea. When I do the Saturday poll it is fun for a few hours when everyone is voting and discussing and then I don’t even think people go back to check the result of the poll.
I know I don't
Sometimes I don't either. I usually have a good idea of the result anyways because everyone votes in the first few hours.
Kindly join the party here. The Poll about polls is out now