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It's not the responsibility of the US that Europeans are that stupid to vote for the same parasites again and again and again...
Yes, i agree. But they heavly influence this parties to keep kissing the ring. If they own both parties, doesnt really matter who you vote.. Its well documented that Socialist parties both in Spain and Portugal are CIA backed up creations.. I know many years passed, but i wonder what control they keep here.
I'm interested in this: "Socialist parties both in Spain and Portugal are CIA backed up creations".
Can you point to some more information?
Some articles in spanish
El gran patrón de la todopoderosa socialdemocracia alemana, Willy Brandt (SPD) con Mário Soares (Alemania, 3 de mayo de 1974, días después del 25 de abril). ¿Recibiendo instrucciones del padrino? El embajador de EE.UU en Lisboa, Frank Carlucci, bendijo a Mário Soares como la única apuesta existente para evitar que la izquierda tomase el poder en Portugal definitivamente. Soares fue el gran bombero apafuegos de la oligarquía, para frenar la revolución portuguesa.
About the Spanish Version i just recently started to read about
Not sure these are the best sources, but once you start to investigate the thread, there are some books about this..
The CIA backed up both PS parties to avoid the Communist party control.. From there, only god knows where their control reached..