Same goes for sports. Remember the whole take a knee thing. I was very sympathetic to Kaepernick at first and in principle. But then the whole thing went off the rails as is typical of these topics in the US.
Every cultural discussion gets sucked into the Republican / Democrat propaganda machine.
Sports are full of propaganda in the US but because its like water to us we don't see it.
  • Every sporting event starts with the national anthem. Why?
  • Military jets fly over very often
  • Military are often in uniform and on the field holding the flag
  • Some sports actually outfit their players in camo for certain games
  • The flag is prominently displayed.
I remember when I started exploring libertarian ideas and started noticing these things for what they are. Propaganda for the state. But because from the age of 5 we are conditioned to think this is normal we just don't see it.
When we are shown photos of communist countries or the fascists in WW2 we are told to think these people are brainwashed. But are we any better? Not really when you stop and think about it.
What Kaepernich was doing was against deeper programming and it just didn't work. It came off as preaching and the goal of sports is to make money. You can get away with some propaganda but it can't be to overt or it risks backfiring.
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in the UK women's football teams are all still doing the knee thing, and the captain wears a rainbow armband - the saddest part is people in the crowd cheering as they do it.