That's what I have seen as well.
They aren't sending their best. Its like living in a Rand novel.
The thing is, the Fed does attract a lot of the top econ talent. It's considered on par with a position at a top tier research university. The issue is that virtually no one in my profession understands money, in general, much less some weird fringe internet money.
I don't think I can adequately convey how much better the average pleb/stacker understands money and bitcoin than professional monetary economists.
It’s a funny old world. I work in mental health. The psychiatrists who are the highest paid professionals literally don’t understand mental health. And many of them don’t care much either.
That's interesting and something I've heard from people in health care. It seems to me that during the pandemic we learned that many if not most are following protocols and there is a strong culture of follow the leaders. Very little don't trust, verify. Those types probably exist but they will be more likely to be ostracized. Those humans that just have to know for themselves and do not care if it is popular or accepted are rare. They are the ones we read about in history.
Most of our doctors don't seem to understand physical health at all, so I'm not surprised that it holds for practitioners of the mental arts.
I was mostly referring to the political class. Not the bankers. I don't think bankers and the fin people are dumb. Ignorant is what you describe and that much is apparent. Really, its prejudice at the root.