Are we talking about masculinity or are we talking about manhood? Masculinity separated boys and men from women and girls. Manhood separates men from boys. There are many men walking around with no real concept of manhood and the responsibility vested with it.
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I wasn't aware of that distinction. Let's say this is about Manhood, but I'm curious about your thoughts on both.
Masculinity comes naturally. Manhood must be taught, modeled, and coached. It should be the father (or male surrogate, preferably family) and the men he associates with teaching the son. However, unfortunately, we have far too many males reared by women (some bitter and angry towards the father. Some who just have misguided notions about what a man is because they just don't know. They try to shape their sons into the man they wanted the father to be.
Men are not ashamed of their masculinity nor manhood.
As of late, there has been a lot of outcry about masculinity. You have all of these younger generation boys thinking they are girls and things. Its pretty heartbreaking.
This is so true. So many boys walking around in adult bodies wearing shorts.