Many people have already provided great responses. I'll just add one thought:
"It is shameful for a society to draft women into its military."
I believe many people would agree with this statement instinctively.
Yet, modern ideology, which refuses to acknowledge differences in gender roles, has no intellectual foundation on which to defend the above statement.
Will there come a point where western intellectuals will finally admit that there are differences between male and female--whether evolutionary and biological, or religious and ontological--and stop getting mad at anyone who would suggest otherwise?
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"It is shameful for a society to draft women into its military." I believe many people would agree with this statement instinctively.
I wouldn't. Women have been part of the military since forever - granted more on the side of the red cross an in the supply line and the like. In modern warfare the most valuable skill is using your brain and your fingers to operate drones where I don't see any reason why women shouldn't be able to do it.
You wanted equality for everybody we'll give you equality for everybody, fair is fair.
I agree with you when it comes to joining the military, but not drafting. Then again, I don't think men should be drafted either.
I remember arguing about this with a feminist activist at Costco when I was a teenager. She was collecting signatures for a petition to make women equal to men by making them draft eligible. I was freshly pissed off about having to register for Selective Service and I laid into her.
While I agree with your statement, I'm strongly against drafting anyone.