I think masculinity can be defined in different ways.
I think generally it is living your ultimate purpose, being a protector, a provider and someone that has alot of courage! We need more masculine men in society, but there is too much junk dragging many people down.
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ultimate purpose, being a protector, a provider
How many men can provide nowadays? And of those how many are under 40?
And even if they did - how many women would accept this kind of lifestyle to make it work on a single lifestyle. I believe that it actually could be possible for a lot of people but almost zero are ready for this kind of frugality.
So if those men can't provide. They aren't masculine?
Masculinity is a character trait, so it's not about your circumstances, but how you think and behave. If the men you're talking about would provide for and protect their family if they had one, then they'd be masculine men.
If they're hiding behind convenient excuses for not having accomplished what they want in life, while shifting blame to others, that would not be very masculine.