it was too expensive and the payoff under any political term is not worth it.
The truth is often to boring for people to accept. Thank you @TNStacker
I have never doubted any conspiracy theory because I think people are not capable of doing evil things and lying. The state is evil. No institution even comes close to its evil. But when you look at the Apollo program and study history it is obvious this was about the U.S.S.R.
The real takeaway though is it doesn't matter if it was fake or real. We KNOW the state lies like you and I breath. You can't trust liars. Only fools do that.
What do you do with this knowledge? Find more times they lied? Its fun. Like watching sports but don't fool yourself. It isn't fixing anything. Those that haven't taken the red pill will not believe you. You can't save them.
Facts. And you're welcome @kepford!