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It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.
Anne Frank
To keep your ideals means that you believe in them. I have always admired people who hold onto their ideals and do everything to preserve them. Living without ideals means living in a chaotic world. Your life becomes chaotic and messy.
Anne Frank is a great example of this. She lived during a time of war when people were struggling to stay alive, survive annihilation, find a bit of food, and secure shelter. Despite all this, she remained committed to holding on to her ideals.
Why? Because she believed that people "are really good at heart." How could she see the goodness in people’s hearts when humanity was involved in two catastrophic wars? This speaks volumes about her character.
I admire this young lady. Her life ended tragically, but her Diary continues to inspire many people.
When I encounter bad people, I wonder if "people are really good at heart" or just most of them are.
Some people only seem to be good at heart when they don't stand to benefit from being bad at heart.
When I encounter bad people, I wonder if "people are really good at heart" or just most of them are.
I agree with you. It's hard to believe the nazi monsters who caused the death of millions of people, including Frank's death, were "good at heart".
Some people only seem to be good at heart when they don't stand to benefit from being bad at heart.
That's an interesting point of view.
I remember we did a test in class once. Calculate the amount of marbles in a jar. And then we looked at each others answers. Then revised our answers. In a class of 33, only 1 person kept the answer the same the whole time. IDEALS and trust in yourself is very important.
people are good at heart. we are designed to have a heart that generates the electrical impulses that organize our bodies, and physical work in turn organizes our world. order is natural.
disorder is unnatural - someone spreads the incentives to destroy order, and those incentives are becoming appealing to an unconscious mind. the deal is very temping: demonstrate no proof of work, perform no real work, and get rich!
good people do real work.
"Our ideals" are something totally important for each one of us.
Without our ideals we would just be empty people walking aimlessly through life. This reminded me of the mythical phrase "I'd rather die standing than live on my knees" and it is something that gains strength when we know inspiring stories of people with a strong will like the famous Anne Frank.
Anna was a D
Having your ideal, your essence is something that belongs to you, that identifies you and being able to share it with others spontaneously is a daily task.