What are the chances of a civil war? This does not seem to go well. :(
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You can't call it a civil war in this case, because it's not a fight between two sides of the nation. The nation is united in its entirety. It's literally a fight of the Venezuelan citizens against usurpers, drug traffickers, genocidaires. Nobody supports them anymore, and the only thing left for those in power is just that, power, power to manage the Supreme Court of Justice, power to manage the National Electoral Council, power to manage the National Guard and police, apart from the fact that they hire hired killers from Bolivia and Cuba who are the ones who have been massacring people in peaceful marches and protests.
Oh I see. You are right. I thought maybe there really was 20 or 30% of Maduro supporters that could fight back. But they are probably much less. I hope venezuelans can finally get their country back. The entire free world is with you.
Maybe 15 years ago, there would have been a civil war, but I don't think so now. For the first time in 25 years, the opposition won completely in all the states of the country.