When people talk about gamification and gamified experiences in regular business products, it feels like we’re not even scratching the surface.
Is ZEBEDEE actively looking to change that, or are you exclusively focused on conventional gaming experiences for now, for easy traction?
BTW, our ZBD Bots are a great example of a non-gaming application of ZEBEDEE. It really does make a difference in a community! And have we mentioned that we're promoting them on Product Hunt today? :P
We are a payments platform, what people use us for is their choice. That said, our B2B sales efforts of course have an impact on the types of apps being built and we're currently focusing on gaming as a way to get better penetration. In the future, we would love to expand more aggressively into other verticals and ZEBEDEE can definitely be used for much much more than just Play and Earn games.