Nice thanks! I did it exporting the txt file from Wallet > Export Coordinator Setup option and importing the .txt file into Sparrow (for some reason the QR code to scan and import via airgap was not showing ).
The balance look's being there 🥳 I assume then is a BlueWallet or a connection issue? I'll keep the wallet in both with the hope the that BlueWallet may be fixed with the future updates.
Just to try something else, I also reimported the same backup file in BlueWallet and the balance is now showing in BlueWallet too, amazing...
It's safe to delete the one with zero balance now? or should I keep it just-in-case?
i suppose there is no harm in keeping it since there is an obvious bug here.
one thing you can do is generate a receive address in both sparrow and bluewallet and verify that they match and do another test deposit to sparrow.
also i would be curious if the "zero balance" wallet generates the same receive addresses as the positive balance wallets
yes it does, also sparrow give me the same address. I keep you posted on next deposit and see if the same thing happens.
good luck! glad you got two separate wallets for the same multisig.