phones are for consuming, computers are for creating!
I couldn't charge my laptop for two days due to stupid reasons, and forced to use the phone, and it sucks, as in you can't really do anything but endless scrolling. 😂 good thing I got a pen and papers to save me:)
Just fix it before it's too late 😁
it was the adapter issue, I didn't have from the EU/TR one to where I am in - ugh, why cant all these plug use the same standard...
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 1 Aug
Adapters are not use as same standard due to varying voltage requirements, proprietary connectors, differing power outputs, regional safety standards, and brand strategies. You better try to get one from online.
I already got it sort out! thus back to shitposting 😂
and you walked around and saw everyone on their phones, even when walking, wild!