I've been interested in the old tradition of family books that were passed down through generations in Europe and elsewhere. These heirlooms inculcate members of the family on who they are, their principles, customs, the story of how the family has risen up.
From my understanding, the father would command the eldest son to continue maintaining the book and to pass the practice on to his own eldest son.
The main elements were -
  1. stories and examples of family identity
  2. counsel and exhortations for the children
  3. a book of accounting, such as financial ledgers, baptisms, births, maps of lands, property ownership histories, and more.
These sometimes spanned centuries!
Honestly, any item or process or game that brings the family together! It deserves to be read... it deserves to be shared and even more so if we talk about customs that can pass generations and continue teaching the little ones that family is the most important thing!! being able to sit together in the living room and share that sad or funny story that could have happened to grandpa... and also between letter and letter, family principles and values ​​are taught.. Excellent πŸ’ͺ
I find these kinds of stories and traditions absolutely fascinating.
this is really cool, I've also seen the family cookbooks being passing down:) it's so nice that I wonder when and why these traditions getting lost.
I suspect it has something to do with the decline of the aristocracy. Also, a general modern sentiment that we come from nowhere, have no history, our lives are a blank canvas. In other words, people don't really care where they came from or about passing anything on.
but I would love to pass down everything I had learned to others, hopefully making someone's life easier, otherwise what a waste! πŸ‘€