Thanks for the vote and your note here! The population growth factor is very interesting factor - if we get to a point of hyperbitcoinization, it may be that people hodling are gaining purchasing power over time rather than losing it all other things equal. I haven't looked into the depletion of natural resources much - do you have any good recommendations on this front?
As for overall inflation, I would argue that any monetary inflation is purely do to money creation. Whatever the economy is denominated in doesn't matter - the price will always be reflective of the total supply of that decided money. And I'll pitch one more recent article on this front - looking at money supply/inflation compared with overall energy consumption. Energy consumption is flat over 35 years, but scare resources like land - even adjusted for population growth - are up 400+%
Can't say I have recommendations, just stuff I've picked up reading online. I'll keep an eye out for more of your articles!
Thanks again for the vote - I appreciate it!